Appetizing Curry Vegetables

Weekends coming..and we all love cooking those heavy flavourings. Very appetizing and goes slurping one bowl after another. Loves it!

Best selection of key ingredients

Cabbage: Select China Cabbage (bigger in size).

Potato: Choose Yellow Potato. Another type of darker potato is better served for cooking soup, and the ligher and fairer kinds of potato is the australian potato.

Ladyfinger: Choose where the end-edge is harder (able to pinch off the edge easily using fingers). This kind of ladyfinger is fresher.

Brinjal: The stem of the brinjal should preferably be greener instead of darkish brown colour, and the outer skin in strong deep purple colour. When press, the texture should be firm.

Recipe (Serve 8)

Cooking Tools:
  • Wok
  • Pot
  • Vegetable curry paste - 2 pkts (400g: est. $4.40)
  • Lemon grass - 1 stalk (approx. 50 or 60 cents for 3 stalks)
  • Lime leaves - 6 pcs ($0.50 for a pack)
  • Cabbage (wash & cut)- 1/2 ($1.30)
  • Brinjal (wash & cut) - 1 whole (220g: est. $0.60)
  • Potato (skinned and cut) - 6 wholes (620g: est $1.30 for 8 wholes)
  • Ladyfinger (wash) - 8 stalks (approx. $0.60) [Note: Keep as a whole, cut ladyfinger soften easily]
  • Tau Pok (Cut) - 10 pcs ($1.10)
  • Quail Egg - 15
  • Coconut milk - 1 pkt (500g: $1.70)

  • Oil - 3 tablespoon
  • Water - 1.3 litre
  • Sugar - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt
  • Split Coconut Milk into 2 bowls. Add the first bowl of coconut milk with 300ml of water. Leave the other bowl as it is.
  • Boil Quail Egg over medium heat. Remove after 10 mins, peeled shells and leave aside.


1. Heat wok and Oil. Add Vegetable curry paste to fry. Add lemon grass and lime leaves as well. (Medium heat)

2. Add potato to wok & fry.

3. Add a pinch of salt. Fry evenly.

4. Pour ingredients from wok into pot.

5. Pour the bowl of coconut and water mixture. (Note: 1st half bowl)

6. Set 1 litre of water into pot and boil for a min (High  heat).

7. Add sugar and stir.

8. Add a pinch of salt and stir.

9. Add brinjal & ladyfinger. Mix well.

10. Taste gravy (add condiments to taste if needed), cover lid to boil for another min.

11. Check gravy and stir, cover up to heat for half a min.

12. Add cabbage, mix well and cover lid for 5 mins.

13. Add taupok & quail egg. Mix well and cover lid for 5 mins.

14. Add the bowl of coconut milk (without water mix). (Note: 2nd half bowl)

15. Cook for a min and is ready to serve.

Best regards,

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