Fragrant Banana & '40-days Banana'

This is a bunch of '40-days Banana' (四十日蕉), and there's an interesting link behind its name...

There are a few varieties of this tropical fruit - Banana, such as the Red Bananas (红牙蕉), the Green Bananas (青牙蕉), the Indonesia Bananas: Green Bananas that eventually turn yellow, and the Fragrant Bananas (香-蕉): a typical type of yellow banana that is relatively shorter in length, and sweeter without acerbic taste texture.

These '40-days bananas', which are also category of Fragrant Bananas (grown from the same tree) are the first few bunches of bananas growing out of the red flower from its banana tree in a drooping manner. They are considerably shorter in length than the others fragrant bananas in the same tree, measuring at about 3 inches or lesser.

Besides being a nutritious and healthy fruit with a good content of potassium and other various vitamins and minerals, Bananas are personally my favourite topping choice for ice-cream and Banana cakes tucked great taste of mild banana scent into me too. Please check out more Banana recipes under Fruity section and do enjoy!

Best regards,

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